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Integrating with LangServe

LangServe is a Python framework that helps developers deploy LangChain runnables and chains as REST APIs.

If you have a deployed LangServe route, you can use the RemoteRunnable class to interact with it as if it were a local chain. This allows you to more easily call hosted LangServe instances from JavaScript environments (like in the browser on the frontend).


You'll need to install or package LangChain core into your frontend:

npm install @langchain/core

If you are calling a LangServe endpoint from the browser, you'll need to make sure your server is returning CORS headers. You can use FastAPI's built-in middleware for that:

from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware

# Set all CORS enabled origins


Then, you can use any of the supported LCEL interface methods. Here's an example of how this looks:

import { RemoteRunnable } from "@langchain/core/runnables/remote";

const remoteChain = new RemoteRunnable({
url: "",

const result = await remoteChain.invoke({
param1: "param1",
param2: "param2",


const stream = await{
param1: "param1",
param2: "param2",

for await (const chunk of stream) {

API Reference:

streamEvents allows you to stream chain intermediate steps as events such as on_llm_start, and on_chain_stream. See the table here for a full list of events you can handle. This method allows for a few extra options as well to only include or exclude certain named steps:

import { RemoteRunnable } from "@langchain/core/runnables/remote";

const remoteChain = new RemoteRunnable({
url: "",

const logStream = await remoteChain.streamEvents(
question: "What is a document loader?",
chat_history: [],
// LangChain runnable config properties
// Version is required for streamEvents since it's a beta API
version: "v1",
// Optional, chain specific config
configurable: {
llm: "openai_gpt_3_5_turbo",
metadata: {
conversation_id: "other_metadata",
// Optional additional streamLog properties for filtering outputs
// includeNames: [],
// includeTags: [],
// includeTypes: [],
// excludeNames: [],
// excludeTags: [],
// excludeTypes: [],

for await (const chunk of logStream) {

event: 'on_chain_start',
name: '/pirate-speak',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [],
metadata: {},
data: {
input: StringPromptValue {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
value: null
event: 'on_prompt_start',
name: 'ChatPromptTemplate',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:1' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
input: StringPromptValue {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
value: null
event: 'on_prompt_end',
name: 'ChatPromptTemplate',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:1' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
input: StringPromptValue {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
value: null
output: ChatPromptValue {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
messages: [Array]
event: 'on_chat_model_start',
name: 'ChatOpenAI',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:2' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
input: ChatPromptValue {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
messages: [Array]
event: 'on_chat_model_stream',
name: 'ChatOpenAI',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:2' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: '',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chain_stream',
name: '/pirate-speak',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: '',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chat_model_stream',
name: 'ChatOpenAI',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:2' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: 'Arr',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chain_stream',
name: '/pirate-speak',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: 'Arr',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chat_model_stream',
name: 'ChatOpenAI',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:2' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: 'r',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chain_stream',
name: '/pirate-speak',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: 'r',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chat_model_stream',
name: 'ChatOpenAI',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:2' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
chunk: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: ' mate',
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}
event: 'on_chat_model_end',
name: 'ChatOpenAI',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [ 'seq:step:2' ],
metadata: {},
data: {
input: ChatPromptValue {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
messages: [Array]
output: { generations: [Array], llm_output: null, run: null }
event: 'on_chain_end',
name: '/pirate-speak',
run_id: undefined,
tags: [],
metadata: {},
data: {
output: AIMessageChunk {
lc_serializable: true,
lc_kwargs: [Object],
lc_namespace: [Array],
content: "Arrr matey, why be ye holdin' back on me? Speak up, what be ye wantin' to know?",
name: undefined,
additional_kwargs: {},
response_metadata: {}

API Reference:

streamLog is a lower level method for streaming chain intermediate steps as partial JSONPatch chunks. Like streamEvents, this method also allows for a few extra options as well to only include or exclude certain named steps:

import { RemoteRunnable } from "@langchain/core/runnables/remote";

const remoteChain = new RemoteRunnable({
// url: "",
url: "",

const logStream = await remoteChain.streamLog(
question: "What is a document loader?",
// LangChain runnable config properties, if supported by the chain
configurable: {
llm: "openai_gpt_3_5_turbo",
metadata: {
conversation_id: "other_metadata",
// Optional additional streamLog properties for filtering outputs
// includeNames: [],
// includeTags: [],
// includeTypes: [],
// excludeNames: [],
// excludeTags: [],
// excludeTypes: [],

let currentState;

for await (const chunk of logStream) {
if (!currentState) {
currentState = chunk;
} else {
currentState = currentState.concat(chunk);


RunLog {
ops: [
{ op: 'replace', path: '', value: [Object] },
op: 'add',
path: '/logs/RunnableParallel<question,chat_history>',
value: [Object]
{ op: 'add', path: '/logs/Itemgetter:question', value: [Object] },
{ op: 'add', path: '/logs/SerializeHistory', value: [Object] },
op: 'add',
path: '/logs/Itemgetter:question/streamed_output/-',
value: 'What is a document loader?'
op: 'add',
path: '/logs/SerializeHistory/streamed_output/-',
value: []
op: 'add',
path: '/logs/RunnableParallel<question,chat_history>/streamed_output/-',
value: [Object]
{ op: 'add', path: '/logs/RetrieveDocs', value: [Object] },
{ op: 'add', path: '/logs/RunnableSequence', value: [Object] },
op: 'add',
path: '/logs/RunnableParallel<question,chat_history>/streamed_output/-',
value: [Object]
... 558 more items
state: {
id: '415ba646-a3e0-4c76-bff6-4f5f34305244',
streamed_output: [
'', 'A', ' document', ' loader', ' is',
' a', ' tool', ' used', ' to', ' load',
' data', ' from', ' a', ' source', ' as',
' `', 'Document', '`', "'", 's',
',', ' which', ' are', ' pieces', ' of',
' text', ' with', ' associated', ' metadata', '.',
' It', ' can', ' load', ' data', ' from',
' various', ' sources', ',', ' such', ' as',
' a', ' simple', ' `.', 'txt', '`',
' file', ',', ' the', ' text', ' contents',
' of', ' a', ' web', ' page', ',',
' or', ' a', ' transcript', ' of', ' a',
' YouTube', ' video', '.', ' Document', ' loaders',
' provide', ' a', ' "', 'load', '"',
' method', ' for', ' loading', ' data', ' as',
' documents', ' from', ' a', ' configured', ' source',
' and', ' can', ' optionally', ' implement', ' a',
' "', 'lazy', ' load', '"', ' for',
' loading', ' data', ' into', ' memory', '.',
' [', '1', ']', ''
final_output: 'A document loader is a tool used to load data from a source as `Document`\'s, which are pieces of text with associated metadata. It can load data from various sources, such as a simple `.txt` file, the text contents of a web page, or a transcript of a YouTube video. Document loaders provide a "load" method for loading data as documents from a configured source and can optionally implement a "lazy load" for loading data into memory. [1]',
logs: {
'RunnableParallel<question,chat_history>': [Object],
'Itemgetter:question': [Object],
SerializeHistory: [Object],
RetrieveDocs: [Object],
RunnableSequence: [Object],
RunnableLambda: [Object],
'RunnableLambda:2': [Object],
FindDocs: [Object],
HasChatHistoryCheck: [Object],
GenerateResponse: [Object],
RetrievalChainWithNoHistory: [Object],
'Itemgetter:question:2': [Object],
Retriever: [Object],
format_docs: [Object],
ChatPromptTemplate: [Object],
ChatOpenAI: [Object],
StrOutputParser: [Object]
name: '/chat',
type: 'chain'

API Reference:


You can also pass in options for headers and timeouts into the constructor. These will be used when making incoming requests:

import { RemoteRunnable } from "langchain/runnables/remote";

const remoteChain = new RemoteRunnable({
url: "",
options: {
timeout: 10000,
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN",

const result = await remoteChain.invoke({
param1: "param1",
param2: "param2",


API Reference:

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