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Timeouts for agents

By default, LangChain will wait indefinitely for a response from the model provider. If you want to add a timeout to an agent, you can pass a timeout option, when you run the agent. For example:

npm install @langchain/openai
import { initializeAgentExecutorWithOptions } from "langchain/agents";
import { OpenAI } from "@langchain/openai";
import { Calculator } from "@langchain/community/tools/calculator";
import { SerpAPI } from "@langchain/community/tools/serpapi";

const model = new OpenAI({ temperature: 0 });
const tools = [
new SerpAPI(process.env.SERPAPI_API_KEY, {
location: "Austin,Texas,United States",
hl: "en",
gl: "us",
new Calculator(),
const executor = await initializeAgentExecutorWithOptions(tools, model, {
agentType: "zero-shot-react-description",

try {
const input = `Who is Olivia Wilde's boyfriend? What is his current age raised to the 0.23 power?`;
const result = await executor.invoke({ input, timeout: 2000 }); // 2 seconds
} catch (e) {
Error: Cancel: canceled
at file:///Users/nuno/dev/langchainjs/langchain/dist/util/async_caller.js:60:23
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at RetryOperation._fn (/Users/nuno/dev/langchainjs/node_modules/p-retry/index.js:50:12) {
attemptNumber: 1,
retriesLeft: 6

API Reference:

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